Thursday 4 May 2017

Things To Know About Cosmetic Contouring

You may consider going for cosmetic contouring if you are afraid to smile due to cosmetic dental problems. This process is also known as enameloplasty or tooth reshaping. It is a solution to fix misshapen teeth. Here are a few things that you may want to know about this procedure.

Cosmetic contouring procedure

This procedure is quite simple. The dentist will use a laser or other tools to remove a part of the enamel to reshape or adjust the length of your teeth. After the contouring procedure is complete, he will polish the enamel to make it look appealing. You may go home after getting your tooth or teeth polished.

What are the benefits of this procedure?

The most significant benefit of this dental procedure is that it provides instant results. This entire procedure doesn’t take more than an hour, which means that you can get results in a single, short appointment. Because there are no nerves in your tooth enamel, there is going to be no pain. Thus, if you are concerned about the discomfort or pain associated with a dental procedure aimed at improving your smile, you may discuss cosmetic contouring with your dentist. Another quite significant advantage of this procedure is that it is permanent. With no chance of your tooth enamel growing back, your reshaped smile will remain in that fixed shape for the rest of your life.

What are the disadvantages?

As for the disadvantages, the first one is that it is viable only for minor cosmetic issues, such as slightly misshapen teeth or teeth appearing too long. According to a report published by The Journal of Microscopy Research Technique, the average thickness of a permanent tooth is 2.58 millimeters. You are going to need some of the tooth enamel to retain enough tooth strength to chew your foods comfortably. If your teeth are overly misshapen, you may not get satisfactory results from this procedure.

With your tooth enamel becoming thinner after the procedure, you will need to be even more careful about your dental hygiene and preventative dental care. It will become crucial to be mindful of enamel demineralization. Furthermore, it will be necessary for you to avoid using a toothbrush with hard bristles. Using a soft-bristled toothbrush will keep your teeth clean and enamel undamaged.

Is this procedure right for you?

You may wonder if cosmetic contouring is the right procedure to fix your smile issues. The thing is, you will need to speak to your dentist about whether or not you can have this procedure. The dentist will check your smile to determine the extent of cosmetic treatment that you are going to need. If the issue is a minor one, you may get a go-ahead for the procedure. In case your smile cannot be fixed with cosmetic contouring, the dentist will choose more aggressive dental procedures, such as braces.

If you are concerned about the discomfort and difficulty maintaining your dental health with braces, you may discuss with your dentist the perfect solution. Sometimes, a few tips may help you figure out the best way to remain on top of your dental hygiene with braces on your teeth.

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